Gateway XML Tracking
The carrier gateway XML tracking format is designed by Viya to facilitate the communication of status changes (milestones) from the carrier towards the shipper. Milestones can be communicated on consignment or on handlingunit level. Changes to the format are made based on the feedback from carriers and shippers and the experience of Viya in the field.
Message format guidelines
- The format(s) should be implemented in a way that additional fields can be added without breaking the implementation.
- Viya will only remove fields or change the meaning of a field in a new mayor version of the format.
- Date/Datetime fields are in ISO 8601 format:
where hh:mm:ss are 00:00:00 for date only - XML is in UTF-8 format
Revision history
- 05-Sep-2024: Initial version
- 05-Sep-2024: Updated field descriptions
Supported message types
- Tracking: Message containing NEW status updates (milestones) for consignments or handling units.
- The tracking message can be communicated through SFTP or HTTP.
- HTTP endpoint is coming soon.
- The HTTP endpoint will return no body, only a status 200.
- Only NEW, previously untransmitted milestones should be contained in the tracking file. Do not repeat already communicated milestones in the file.
- The trackingReference.carrier field can be used to send a tracking reference on consignment or hanlingunit level.
- The shipper generally wants to be informed on the following events:
- Departure of the goods (pickup)
- Out for Delivery
- Delivered
- Exception (at least one event indicating a delay in delivery)
- A fixed list of document types is supported. Please contact Viya in case you require additional document types.
See examples and schema of the XML format.
Root element <tracking>
Name | Type | Required | Description |
carrier | Carrier | true | Information on the carrier sending the message |
milestones | Milestones | true | Collection of milestones for one or more references |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | Carrier name |
reference | string | true | Unique reference to the carrier. To be agreed with Viya |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
milestone | Milestone | true | Milestone for a specific reference |
tracking > milestones > milestone
Name | Type | Required | Description |
trackingReference | Trackingreference | true | Collection of tracking references |
trackingUrl | string | false | Full URL to the tracking event |
equipment | Equipment | false | Information on the equipment used for the transport |
events | Events | true | Collection of events for a specific reference |
tracking > milestones > milestone > trackingreference
Name | Type | Required | Description |
shipper | string | false | Tracking reference code assigned by the shipper |
carrier | string | true | Tracking reference code assigned by the carrier. This reference can be both consigment or hanlingunit level |
tracking > milestones > milestone > equipment
Name | Type | Required | Description |
licencePlate | string | false | Licence plate of the equipment used for transport |
tracking > milestones > milestone > events
Name | Type | Required | Description |
event | Event | true | New event |
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventDatetime | dateTime | true | Time at which this event occured. NOTE: Time zone specification is mandatory |
eventDescription | string | false | General description on the event |
scannedBy | string | false | Name of the entity that scanned the consignment when the event occured |
eventMessage | string | false | Any descriptive text accompanying the event |
eventType | EventType | true | The type of event as provided by the carrier |
eventReason | EventReason | false | The reason why the event occured |
eventLocation | EventLocation | false | Details on the location where the event took place |
documents | Documents | false | Collection of documents related to the event |
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event > eventtype
Name | Type | Required | Description |
code | string | true | The carrier provided type code for the event |
description | string | false | The carrier provided description for the type of event |
Note: a standard list of events that will be added in the near future will contain the translated event descriptions to you can use a generic list instead of interpreting the carrier specific codes. See Tracking event codes for more information.
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event > eventreason
Name | Type | Required | Description |
code | string | true | The carrier provided code for the reason the event took place |
description | string | false | The carrier provided description for the reason the event took place |
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event > eventlocation
Name | Type | Required | Description |
companyName | string | false | Name of the company where the event took place |
address | Address | false | Address where the event took place |
airportCode | string | false | Unique reference to an airport where the event took place |
seaportCode | string | false | Unique reference to a seaport where the event took place |
depotCode | string | false | Unique reference to a depot where the event took place |
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event > documents
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Document | Document | false | Documents related to the event |
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event > eventlocation > eventlocationaddress
Name | Type | Required | Description |
addressLine1 | string | false | Street name / PO Box and number |
addressLine2 | string | false | Apartment, suite, unit, building floor etc. |
addressLine3 | string | false | Additional address line for extra details |
city | string | false | City of address |
postCode | string | false | Postcode/zipcode |
stateCode | string | false | State code used primarily for US, Canada, Italy |
countryCode | CountryCode | false | 2-digit ISO-3166 Country code |
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event > documents > document
Name | Type | Required | Description |
type | DocumentType | true | The type of document |
content | string | true | Base64 encoded content of the file |
Document Type
tracking > milestones > milestone > events > event > documents > document > documenttype
Name (enum) | description |
ProofOfDeliverySignature | Proof of delivery signature |
CMR | Signed Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road |
PictureOfDelivery | Picture of delivered goods |
PictureOfDeliveryAttempt | Picture of the attempt to deliver the goods |
PictureOfDamage | Picture of the damage on the goods |
CashOnDeliveryReceipt | Receipt for cash on delivery proof |
FreightInvoice | Invoice of the carrier to the shipper for the performed services regarding the shipment |
Import | Documents related to the import of goods |
Export | Documents related to the export of goods |
Country codes based on ISO 3166, see wikipedia:
Codes |
AD , AE , AF , AG , AI , AL , AM , AO , AQ , AR , AS , AT , AU , AW , AX , AZ , BA , BB , BD , BE , BF , BG , BH , BI , BJ , BL , BM , BN , BO , BQ , BR , BS , BT , BV , BW , BY , BZ , CA , CC , CD , CF , CG , CH , CI , CK , CL , CM , CN , CO , CR , CU , CV , CW , CX , CY , CZ , DE , DJ , DK , DM , DO , DZ , EC , EE , EG , EH , ER , ES , ET , FI , FJ , FK , FM , FO , FR , GA , GB , GD , GE , GF , GG , GH , GI , GL , GM , GN , GP , GQ , GR , GS , GT , GU , GW , GY , HK , HM , HN , HR , HT , HU , ID , IE , IL , IM , IN , IO , IQ , IR , IS , IT , JE , JM , JO , JP , KE , KG , KH , KI , KM , KN , KP , KR , KW , KY , KZ , LA , LB , LC , LI , LK , LR , LS , LT , LU , LV , LY , MA , MC , MD , ME , MF , MG , MH , MK , ML , MM , MN , MO , MP , MQ , MR , MS , MT , MU , MV , MW , MX , MY , MZ , NA , NC , NE , NF , NG , NI , NL , NO , NP , NR , NU , NZ , OM , PA , PE , PF , PG , PH , PK , PL , PM , PN , PR , PS , PT , PW , PY , QA , RE , RO , RS , RU , RW , SA , SB , SC , SD , SE , SG , SH , SI , SJ , SK , SL , SM , SN , SO , SR , SS , ST , SV , SX , SY , SZ , TC , TD , TF , TG , TH , TJ , TK , TL , TM , TN , TO , TR , TT , TV , TW , TZ , UA , UG , UM , US , UY , UZ , VA , VC , VE , VG , VI , VN , VU , WF , WS , YE , YT , ZA , ZM , ZW , AC , CP , CQ , DG , EA , EU , EZ , FX , IC , SU , TA , UK , UN , XK |