Tracking event codes

Every carrier has their own set of tracking event codes. Each integration in Viya maps these to a standard set of tracking event codes. We provide both the carrier-specific codes and the standard codes so you can choose to use our experience or customize to fit your specific use-case.

This document provides an overview of the standard tracking event codes used by Viya.

If you are in need of a specific event code that is not listed here, please contact us.

Event Reason?

Carriers often clarify event types with an event reason. This means that when an application is configured to act on a specific event type, also the reason has to be taken into account.

In Viya, we have standardized this by using a single event code that combines the event type and event reason. This way, you can configure your application to act on a single event code instead of a combination. The first part of the code is the event type, the second part clarifies that type so can be seen as an event reason.

If an event code has multiple event reasons, and the carrier provides a reason that is not part of the other event reasons, the other event suffix will be used. If no other event suffix exists, the event code without clarification is used.

Revision history

  • 13-Dec-2024: Initial version based on Express & Road experience while comparing Edifact/GS1/Peppol standards
  • 18-Dec-2024: Rephraze to use 1 standardized code instead of event Type and event Reason

Standard tracking event codes

Booking phase

The pre-transport phase where initial data is shared between shipper and carrier to initiate the transport process

Event CodeDescription
dataReceivedOrdering / Booking / Despatch advice data has been received by the carrier.
bookingAcceptedShipment order is accepted by the carrier through explicit confirmation
bookingRefusedShipment order is refused by the carrier through explicit confirmation
bookingRemovedShipment order data is removed from carrier system, no specific reason provided
bookingRemovedOtherShipment order data is removed from carrier system, other specific reason provided
bookingRemovedNoActivityShipment order data is removed from carrier system, Shipment was never handled
bookingRemovedIncorrectInformationShipment order data is removed from carrier system, Shipment information was incorrect

Pickup phase

The phase that contains all activity related to the collection of the goods

Event CodeDescription
pickupScheduledPickup request is scheduled in carrier TMS system
pickupRescheduledPickup request got rescheduled with pickup location, new ETD determined
readyForPickupGoods are ready for pickup
driverDespatchedForPickupDriver is on its way to the pickup location
driverArrivedAtPickupLocationDrive arrived on pickup location, did not yet start loading
loadingStartedAtPickupLocationLoading started at the pickup location
loadingCompletedAtPickupLocationLoading completed at the pickup location (doors are closed, driver did not depart yet)
pickupCompletedPickup completed: driver left the pickup location with goods loaded
pickupCompletedDamagedGoods were handed over to the carrier in a damaged state
pickupCompletedIncompleteParts of the goods were missing at pickup
customerPickupScheduledPickup is scheduled for recipient to pickup the goods
customerPickupCompletedCustomer (or carrier ordered by customer) has picked up the goods
customerPickupCompletedDamagedCustomer (or carrier ordered by customer) has picked up the goods, goods were in damaged state
customerpickupcompletedincompleteCustomer (or carrier ordered by customer) has picked up the goods, not all goods were picked up
pickupFailedIncompleteInformationThe pickup request cannot be scheduled as information is missing from the request
pickupFailedOtherThe pickup request did not complete successfully, no reason provided OR a reason provided that does not fit the other pickup_failed* events.
pickupFailedLocationClosedThe pickup request did not complete successfully because the driver did reach the destination within agreed timewindow but the location was closed
pickupFailedLocationCannotBeReachedThe pickup request did not complete successfully because the driver could not reach the destination within the given date/time due to road infrastructure
pickupFailedGoodsNotReadyThe pickup request did not complete successfully because the goods were not ready for pickup
pickupFailedGoodsLostThe pickup request did not complete successfully because the goods were lost, different from “goods_not_ready” as goods_lost indicates that goods were ready and are now lost.
pickupFailedDangerousGoodsThe goods were not picked up as they are dangerous goods
pickupFailedBondedGoodsThe goods were not picked up as they are bonded goods
pickupCancelledNoPartyIndicatedThe pickup was cancelled, there is no indication which party initiated the cancellation
pickupCancelledByShipperThe pickup was cancelled, the shipper initiated the cancellation
pickupCancelledByCarrierThe pickup was cancelled, the carrier initiated the cancellation

Transit phase

The phase that contains activity of the movement of goods between pickup and delivery location

Event CodeDescription
originHubArrivedGoods arrived in first hub after collection of goods
originHubDepartedGoods departed from origin hub
transportMovementAny event that indicates transport movement between hubs
transitHubArrivedAny event that signals the items arrived in an in-transit hub. This can also be an origin or destination hub in case it is unclear if no origin/destination indicator is provided by the carrier
transitHubArrivedMissingShipment was reported missing when it should have arrived in hub
transitHubArrivedLateShipment arrived in transit hub on later time than expected. Possible delay.
transitHubArrivedDamagedShipment arrived in hub in damaged state
transitHubActivityAny event that indicates any activity inside an in-transit hub. This can also be an origin or destination hub in case it is unclear if no origin/destination indicator is provided by the carrier
transitHubDepartedAny event that signals the items departed from an in-transit hub. This can also be an origin or destination hub in case it is unclear if no origin/destination indicator is provided by the carrier
transitHubDepartedLateShipment departed from transit hub on later time than expected. Possible delay
transitHubDepartedMissingShipment was reported missing when it should have departed from hub
transitHubDepartedDamagedShipment departed from hub in damaged state
destinationHubArrivedGoods arrived in last hub before delivery
destinationHubArrivedLateGoods arrived in last hub before delivery on later time than expected. Possible delay
destinationHubArrivedMissingShipment was reported missing when it should have arrived at the hub
destinationHubArrivedDamagedGoods arrived in last hub before delivery in damaged state
availableForCustomsClearanceShipment arrived in customs area at the carrier
waitingForCustomsClearanceShipment is pending customs clearance. Delivery times are potentially impacted
waitingForCustomsClearanceCustomsRequiresAdditionalInformationGoods are held at customs area, shipper to provide more information to customs to continue inpection
releasedFromCustomsClearanceShipment is released from customs
customsInspectionFailedOtherCustoms inspection failed. Typically followed with exception on what happens next, eg: return_to_sender, customs_goods_destroyed or customs_additional_information_required
customsInspectionFailedMissingInformationCustoms inspection failed. Not enough information available for customs release.
customsInspectionFailedNotAllowedCustoms inspection failed, The type or quantity of goods do not pass customs inspection
destroyedCustomsInspectionResultGoods are destroyed as they were not allowed to be imported
handoverToOtherCarrierGoods were transferred from one carrier to another. Eg when handing over to a national carrier
damagedInTransitGoods got damaged handling in transit/hub handling
damagedInTransitUnderInvestigationCarriergoods are damaged, carrier is investigating cause / resolution
damagedInTransitUnderInvestigationShippergoods are damaged, shipper is investigating cause / resolution

Delivery phase

Phase were the goods are being delivered to the recipient

Event CodeDescription
deliveryDateConfirmedWithReceiverCarrier has agreed a delivery time window with the receiver of the goods
deliveryDateConfirmedInCarrierPortalReceiver of goods confirmed delivery window in carrier portal
deliveryArrivalNoticeCarrier has sent an arrival notification to the recipient to inform when the goods will be delivered portal
deliveryScheduledA delivery date has been determined by the carrier (either manual or in agreement with recipient)
deliveryRescheduledA new delivery date has been determined
deliveryRescheduledOnRequestOfRecipientA new delivery date has been determined initiated by the recipient
deliveryRescheduledOnRequestOfCarrierA new delivery date has been determined initiated by the carrier
deliveryRescheduledOnRequestOfShipperA new delivery date has been determined initiated by the shipper
deliveryInformationChangedThe delivery information relating to the shipment was changed while in transit or in delivery. Changes can be various like: delivery address & service.
outForDeliveryDriver has departed from destination hub and on-its-way to the recipient. Some carriers provide this at start of the route of the driver, others provide this close to the delivery while driver is already in its route.
deliveredGoods delivered, no specific indication to which party
deliveredDamagedGoods delivered, no specific indication to which party, (parts of) shipment is damaged.
deliveredPartlyGoods delivered, no specific indication to which party, only part of the goods have been delivered
deliveredPartlyDamagedRefusedGoods delivered, A part of the goods was damaged, the damaged part has been refused
deliveredOtherGoods delivered, specific other reason
deliveredWithPermissionToLeaveGoodsGoods delivered, at a place formerly agreed, were goods have been left unattended
deliveredConfirmationManuallyCreatedGoods delivered, Proof of delivery is manually created by other party than recipient
deliveredSurplusGoods delivered, recipient indicates more was delivered as expected
deliveredWithDelayGoods delivered, the original delivery time window was exceeded
deliveredAtNeighbourGoods delivered at recipient’s neighbour instead of recipient
deliveredAtNeighbourDamagedGoods delivered at recipient’s neighbour instead of recipient, (parts of) shipment is damaged.
deliveredAtNeighbourPartlyGoods delivered at recipient’s neighbour instead of recipient, only part of the goods have been delivered
deliveredAtPickupPointGoods delivered at carrier indicated pickup facility, for recipient to collect it from
deliveredAtPickupPointDamagedGoods delivered at carrier indicated pickup facility, for recipient to collect it from, (parts of) shipment is damaged.
deliveredAtPickupPointPartlyGoods delivered at carrier indicated pickup facility, for recipient to collect it from, only part of the goods have been delivered
deliveredAtLockergoods delivered at locker facility, for recipient to collect it from
deliveredAtLockerDamagedgoods delivered at locker facility, for recipient to collect it from, (parts of) shipment is damaged.
deliveredAtLockerPartlygoods delivered at locker facility, for recipient to collect it from, only part of the goods have been delivered
deliveredWithPicturegoods delivered at consignee, including picture where goods were left
deliveredWithPictureDamagedgoods delivered at consignee, including picture where goods were left, (parts of) shipment is damaged.
deliveredWithPicturePartlygoods delivered at consignee, including picture where goods were left, only part of the goods have been delivered
collectionFromPickupPointgoods collected from pickup point by recipient
collectionFromPickupPointDamagedgoods collected from pickup point by recipient, (parts of) shipment is damaged.
collectionFromPickupPointFailedRefusedByRecipientGoods were refused by the customer, while goods are at pickup point
collectionFromPickupPointFailedInvalidIdentificationGoods were refused to handover by the pickup point handler as recipient failed to identify
collectionFromPickupPointFailedUnclaimedGoods in a locker/pickup point have not been claimed by recipient within period
deliveryFailedLocationUnavailableDelivery failed because the delivery location could not be reached
deliveryFailedContactCarrierCarrier contact required to agree after delivery failed
deliveryFailedAbsentRecipientDelivery failed because the consignee was not at the recipient location
deliveryFailedRecipientClosedDelivery failed because the recipient location was closed
deliveryFailedOtherDelivery failed, no specific reason provided
deliveryFailedAdditionalEquipmentRequiredDelivery failed, delivery requires additional equipment
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientRequestedOtherDeliveryDateDelivery failed because the recipient refused to accept the goods as they want to plan another delivery date
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientDelivery failed because the recipient refused to accept the goods
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientIncorrectContactDetailsDelivery failed because the recipient refused to accept the goods because the contact details were incorrect/unknown
deliveryFailedDamagedDelivery failed because the goods were damaged
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientNotOrderedDelivery failed because recipient did not order the goods and therefore refused them at delivery.
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientMissingDocumentsDelivery failed because documents were missing, therefore recipient refused goods at delivery
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientInventoryDelivery failed because recipient refused shipment due to inventory reasons
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientLateDeliveryDelivery failed because recipient refused shipment due missing the agreed delivery window
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientShipmentIncompleteDelivery failed because recipient refused the shipment as it was not complete
deliveryFailedRefusedByRecipientCancelledDelivery failed because recipient refused the shipment as it was cancelled before
deliveryFailedWaitingTimeExceededDelivery failed because the waiting time at consignee was exceeded
deliveryFailedRecipientMovedDelivery failed because the recipient was no longer active on that location


Exceptions that can occur in any phase of the journey

Event CodeDescription
cancelledByShipperShipment was cancelled by shipper between pickup and delivery, goods will be returned to sender
cancelledByCarrierShipment was cancelled by carrier between pickup and delivery, goods will be returned to sender
lostMissing goods are are confirmed lost
returnToSenderUncollectedFromPickupPointGoods returned to sender from pickup point, after not being collected within period
returnToSenderRefusedAtDeliveryGoods returned to sender as recipient refused to accept the goods
returnToSenderUnknownAddressGoods returned to sender as carrier could not find indicated address
returnToSenderOtherGoods returned to sender, no specific or other indication why
returnToSenderDamagedGoods are returned to sender because they are damaged
returnToSenderIncidentGoods are returned to sender because they were involved in an incident
returnToSenderCancelledByShipperGoods are return to sender because the shipper cancelled the shipment
returnToSenderCustomsInspectionResultGoods are returned to sender as something was missing/incorrect during customs inspection
delayedAdministrativeRectificationShipment is delayed because information about the shipment was incorrect and needed to be corrected
delayedBankHolidayShipment is delayed because of bank holiday within the network
delayedDeliveryAppointmentRequiredShipment is delayed because a delivery appointment needs to be made
delayedEquipmentFailureShipment is delayed because equipment managed by the carrier had a failure/breakdown/issue
delayedForceMajorShipment is delayed due to reasons out of control of shipper/carrier/recipient
delayedIncorrectLabellingShipment is delayed because the labelling on the goods was incorrect, can be goods labels or shipping labels
delayedIncorrectAddressPickup or Delivery of the goods was delayed due to incorrect address information
delayedIndustrialDisputeShipment is delayed due to an industrial dispute
delayedLackOfTransportCapacityShipment delayed due to insufficient transport capacity at the carrier
delayedMissingDocumentsShipment delayed due to critical documents missing
delayedWrongRoutingShipment is delayed as it was routed incorrectly within carrier network
delayedTemperatureExceededShipment is delayed as the allowed temperature for transportation has exceeded. Resolution steps need to be taken.
delayedWaitingForEdiShipment is delayed because EDI is still to be received
delayedMissedConnectionThe goods missed a scheduled connection. Delivery timelines are potentially impacted
delayedOtherDelivery timelines are impacted, no specific reason provided
delayedAccidentGoods are delayed due to equipment malfunctioned or got into an accident
delayedContactCarrierMissingInformationCarrier needs more information to continue transit/delivery: eg address invalid
delayedContactCarrierCarrier contact required, no specific reason provided
missingPartlyPart of a shipment is missing
missingUnderInvestigationShipment is reported missing, being investigated for followup action
destroyedHeavilyDamagedGoods are destroyed as they were damaged to a degree it could not be transported anymore
destroyedOnRequestOfShipperGoods are destroyed on request of the shipper
exceptionOtherException occurred, no existing event codes matches the exception
otherNo existing event code matches the carrier event type or reason