Schenker Netherlands integration

This is a guide to integrating with Schenker Netherlands.


For details on specifics regarding the ordering options with Schenker Netherlands, please refer to the ordering guide.


In the onboarding section, the following items can be set up:


Access keys Access keys for test and production environments are required to connect to Schenker Netherlands. These keys are provided by Schenker Netherlands.

Group IDs Group ids for test and production environments are required to connect to Schenker Netherlands. These ids are provided by Schenker Netherlands.

The following sets of group ids can be set up:

  • default group id
  • Inbound
  • Domestic
  • Inbound Domestic

Custom package type mapping

Viya package types are mapped to package types known to Schenker Netherlands by default.

To overrule the default mapping, a custom package type mapping can be set up.