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Example files to request printing a shipping label
Shipment from NL to NL with 1 pallet
{ "reference": "SHIPPINGBILLNR1", "locationReference": "MOESKROEN", "printer": { "printNode": { "id": "72001929", "name": "" } }, "addresses": { "sender": { "companyName": "ShipitSmarter HQ", "addressLine1": "Arendstraat", "addressLine2": "First floor", "streetNumber": "21", "city": "Hilversum", "stateCode": "", "postCode": "1223 RE", "countryCode": "NL", "vat": "VAT12345678", "eori": "NL12345677", "contactName": "M V Mourik", "contactPhone": "06123456789", "contactEmail": "" }, "collection": { "companyName": "Warehouse SiS", "addressLine1": "Mediaparklaan", "addressLine2": "Gebouw 3", "streetNumber": "15", "city": "Hilversum", "stateCode": "", "postCode": "1225 AB", "countryCode": "NL", "vat": "VAT12345678", "eori": "NL12345677", "contactName": "Sjefke Magazijn", "contactPhone": "06123456789", "contactEmail": "" }, "receiver": { "companyName": "La Place Utrecht CS", "addressLine1": "Jaarbeursplein", "addressLine2": "", "streetNumber": "15", "city": "Utrecht", "stateCode": "", "postCode": "3068JW", "countryCode": "NL", "vat": "NL234567889", "eori": "NL12345677", "contactName": "Janine Bleziers", "contactPhone": "06123456789", "contactEmail": "" } }, "dimensionUnit": "CMT", "weightUnit": "KGM", "inbound": false, "description": "Fabrics", "declaredValue": { "value": 1505.25, "CurrencyCode": "EUR" }, "timeWindows": { "pickup": { "requested": { "start": "2024-08-26T14:15:22+01:00", "end": "2024-08-26T16:15:22+01:00" } } }, "incoterms": { "scope": "DoorToDoor", "incoterm": "DAP", "place": "Utrecht", "version": "2020" }, "carrierReference": "GEODIS", "trackingReference": "", "serviceLevelReference": "", "serviceOptions": { "allowDeliveryToNeighbour": null, "appointmentForDelivery": null, "cashOnDelivery": null, "constructionSite": null, "customClearance": null, "deliveryInside": null, "fragile": null, "photoAtDelivery": null, "signatureForDelivery": null }, "references": { "billOfLadingNumber": null, "complaintNumber": null, "containerNumber": null, "customClearanceNumber": null, "customerPurchaseOrder": null, "flightNumber": null, "generalLedgerCode": null, "sapDelivery": "MP/24/06008", "rmaNumber": null, "sapSalesOrder": "090156402", "voyage": null }, "instructions": { "airportFrom": null, "airportTo": null, "carrierInstructions": { "delivery": "Please ring the doorbell twice" }, "carrierOriginDepot": null, "deliveryInstruction": null, "justification": null, "licensePlate": null, "loadNumber": null, "modeOfTransport": "Road", "notifyEmails": [""], "orderType": null, "orderingCompany": null, "purchaseOrder": "PO 1234456", "portFrom": null, "portTo": null, "unloadingDock": null, "unloadingInstruction": null, "unloadingLocation": null, "vesselName": null, "woodDeclaration": null }, "handlingUnits": [ { "sequence": 1, "weight": 150, "length": 150, "width": 80, "height": 80, "packageType": { "code": "pallet", "displayName": "Korte pallet" }, "description": "test examples", "references": { "reference": "sscc1" }, "isStackable": false, "serviceOptions": null } ]}
Shipment from NL to NL with 1 colli
{ "reference": "SHIPPINGBILLNR1", "locationReference": "MOESKROEN", "printer": { "printNode": { "id": "72001929", "name": "" } }, "addresses": { "sender": { "companyName": "ShipitSmarter HQ", "addressLine1": "Arendstraat", "addressLine2": "First floor", "streetNumber": "21", "city": "Hilversum", "stateCode": "", "postCode": "1223 RE", "countryCode": "NL", "vat": "VAT12345678", "eori": "NL12345677", "contactName": "M V Mourik", "contactPhone": "06123456789", "contactEmail": "" }, "collection": { "companyName": "Warehouse SiS", "addressLine1": "Mediaparklaan", "addressLine2": "Gebouw 3", "streetNumber": "15", "city": "Hilversum", "stateCode": "", "postCode": "1225 AB", "countryCode": "NL", "vat": "VAT12345678", "eori": "NL12345677", "contactName": "Sjefke Magazijn", "contactPhone": "06123456789", "contactEmail": "" }, "receiver": { "companyName": "La Place Utrecht CS", "addressLine1": "Jaarbeursplein", "addressLine2": "", "streetNumber": "15", "city": "Utrecht", "stateCode": "", "postCode": "3068JW", "countryCode": "NL", "vat": "NL234567889", "eori": "NL12345677", "contactName": "Janine Bleziers", "contactPhone": "06123456789", "contactEmail": "", "carrierAccountReference": "" } }, "dimensionUnit": "CMT", "weightUnit": "KGM", "inbound": false, "description": "Fabrics", "declaredValue": { "value": 1505.25, "CurrencyCode": "EUR" }, "timeWindows": { "pickup": { "requested": { "start": "2024-08-26T14:15:22+01:00", "end": "2024-08-26T16:15:22+01:00" } } }, "incoterms": { "scope": "DoorToDoor", "incoterm": "DAP", "place": "Utrecht", "version": "2020" }, "carrierReference": "GEODIS", "trackingReference": "", "serviceLevelReference": "", "serviceOptions": { "allowDeliveryToNeighbour": null, "appointmentForDelivery": null, "cashOnDelivery": null, "constructionSite": null, "customClearance": null, "deliveryInside": null, "fragile": null, "photoAtDelivery": null, "signatureForDelivery": null }, "references": { "billOfLadingNumber": null, "complaintNumber": null, "containerNumber": null, "customClearanceNumber": null, "customerPurchaseOrder": null, "flightNumber": null, "generalLedgerCode": null, "sapDelivery": "MP/24/06008", "rmaNumber": null, "sapSalesOrder": "090156402", "voyage": null }, "instructions": { "airportFrom": null, "airportTo": null, "carrierInstructions": { "delivery": "Please ring the doorbell twice" }, "carrierOriginDepot": null, "deliveryInstruction": null, "justification": null, "licensePlate": null, "loadNumber": null, "modeOfTransport": "Road", "notifyEmails": [""], "orderType": null, "orderingCompany": null, "purchaseOrder": "PO 1234456", "portFrom": null, "portTo": null, "unloadingDock": null, "unloadingInstruction": null, "unloadingLocation": null, "vesselName": null, "woodDeclaration": null }, "handlingUnits": [ { "sequence": 1, "weight": 25, "length": 20, "width": 150, "height": 20, "packageType": { "code": "roll", "displayName": "Korte colli" }, "description": "test examples", "references": { "reference": "sscc1" }, "isStackable": true, "serviceOptions": null } ]}
Only the mandatory fields populated
{ "reference": "SHIPPINGBIILNR1", "locationReference": "MOESKROEN", "printer": { "printNode": { "id": "72001929" } }, "addresses": { "sender": { "companyName": "ShipitSmarter HQ", "addressLine1": "Arendstraat", "streetNumber": "21", "city": "Hilversum", "postCode": "1223 RE", "countryCode": "NL" }, "collection": { "companyName": "Warehouse SiS", "addressLine1": "Mediaparklaan", "streetNumber": "15", "city": "Hilversum", "postCode": "1225 AB", "countryCode": "NL" }, "receiver": { "companyName": "La Place Utrecht CS", "addressLine1": "Jaarbeursplein", "streetNumber": "15", "city": "Utrecht", "postCode": "3068JW", "countryCode": "NL" } }, "dimensionUnit": "CMT", "weightUnit": "KGM", "inbound": false, "description": "Fabrics", "timeWindows": { "pickup": { "requested": { "start": "2024-08-26T14:15:22+01:00", "end": "2024-08-26T16:15:22+01:00" } } }, "incoterms": { "scope": "DoorToDoor", "incoterm": "DAP", "place": "Utrecht", "version": "2020" }, "references": { "sapDelivery": "MP/24/06008" }, "carrierReference": "GEODIS", "handlingUnits": [ { "sequence": 1, "weight": 25, "length": 20, "width": 150, "height": 20, "packageType": { "code": "roll", "displayName": "Korte colli" }, "description": "test examples", "references": { "reference": "sscc1" }, "isStackable": true } ]}
Export shipment with invoice including product information (customs details)
{ "reference": "SHIPPINGBILLNR1", "locationReference": "MOESKROEN", "printer": { "printNode": { "id": "72001929" } }, "addresses": { "sender": { "companyName": "ShipitSmarter HQ", "addressLine1": "Arendstraat", "streetNumber": "21", "city": "Hilversum", "postCode": "1223 RE", "countryCode": "NL" }, "collection": { "companyName": "Warehouse SiS", "addressLine1": "Mediaparklaan", "streetNumber": "15", "city": "Hilversum", "postCode": "1225 AB", "countryCode": "NL" }, "receiver": { "companyName": "Mercure hotel Bern", "addressLine1": "Ausserstrasse", "streetNumber": "5", "city": "Bern", "postCode": "1234", "countryCode": "CH" } }, "dimensionUnit": "CMT", "weightUnit": "KGM", "inbound": false, "description": "Fabrics", "timeWindows": { "pickup": { "requested": { "start": "2024-08-26T14:15:22+01:00", "end": "2024-08-26T16:15:22+01:00" } } }, "incoterms": { "scope": "DoorToDoor", "incoterm": "DAP", "place": "Bern", "version": "2020" }, "carrierReference": "GEODIS", "declaredValue": { "value": 283.0, "CurrencyCode": "EUR" }, "references": { "sapDelivery": "MP/24/06008" }, "commercialInvoice": { "invoiceNumber": "INVOICE12345", "charges": { "freight": { "value": 25.5, "currencyCode": "EUR" }, "insurance": { "value": 0, "currencyCode": "EUR" }, "discount": { "value": 0, "currencyCode": "EUR" } }, "declarationStatement": "I declare that the information provided is true and correct.", "exportReason": { "reason": "Sales", "type": "sale" }, "remarks": "Additional remarks for the invoice here", "lines": [ { "id": 0, "description": "Grey Nova Fabric", "quantity": { "value": 10, "unitOfMeasure": "mtr" }, "unitCustomsValue": { "value": 25.75, "currencyCode": "EUR" }, "countryOfOrigin": "BE", "itemNumber": "GR13444", "weight": { "gross": 22.5, "nett": 20.5 }, "lotNumber": "LOT12354", "customs": { "customsCode": "96508465" } } ], "customsProcedureCode": "GB Customs procedure here" }, "handlingUnits": [ { "sequence": 1, "weight": 25, "length": 20, "width": 150, "height": 20, "packageType": { "code": "roll", "displayName": "Korte colli" }, "description": "test examples", "references": { "reference": "sscc1" }, "isStackable": true } ]}