Transuniverse Mapping Specifics
ServiceLevel mapping
Transuniverse only supports one service level which is standard
PackageType mapping
The carrier gateway package types are mapped to the Transuniverse packaging codes based on keywords. (e.g. all package types containing “euro” will be mapped to TransUniverse package type “RUILEURO”.)
Below an overview of the mapping logic. Please note that the order is important. The mapping will be done top to bottom.
Transuniverse Package Code | Carrier gateway package type code contains: |
BOX | box, envelope, pak, suitcase |
CANNISTER | bottle, cylinder, bin, can, jar, jug, jerrycan, tank |
DRUM | drum, vat |
ROL | roll, tube |
WOODBARREL | barrel-wooden |
BARREL | barrel |
ZAK | bag, sack |
CHEP PALET | chep |
RUILEURO | euro |
EURNTRUIL | pallet-80x120 |
BLOK | pallet-100x120 |
OCTABIN | pallet-octabin |
PAL | pallet, cage, pak, ibc, bal, bundle, skid, spool |
KIST | basket, case, chest, crate, coffin, container, trunk |
Incoterm mapping
The following incoterm codes are supported.
Code | Description | Trigger in shipment |
CFR | Cost and freight | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = cfr |
CIF | Cost, insurance and freight | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = cif |
CIP | Carriage and insurance paid | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = cip |
CPT | Carriage paid to (named place) | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = cpt |
DAP | Delivered at place | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = dap |
DAT | Delivered at terminal | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = dat |
DDP | Delivered duty paid | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = ddp |
EXW | Ex works | shipment.incoterms.incoterm = exw |