
The booking is done without direct communication to the carrier. During the manifesting step all open shipments will be collected and transmitted to the carrier via SFTP in the Fortras format.

Reference generator barcodes

During booking, the integration will issue a barcode/tracking number for each handling unit. The format of this number can be different for each carrier. Please contact your carrier for information about which number range to use. This number range can then be setup and maintained via Configuration > Reference Generator in your shipping environment.


The shipping label is generated without the routing information. Example label:


Manifest via SFTP

Fortras BOR512 is transmitted via SFTP to the carrier. Via <customername> you can create a client connection that will be used for uploading the file to the carrier. After this connection is created please also add this connection to the manifesting configuration to ensure that this connection is used for uploading manifest files to this carrier.


The filename consists of 3 parts

  • part 1 (file prexix): this value can be set in the manifesting configuration dusitn the carrier setup (e.g. “CUSCAR”)
  • part 2 (carrierOriginDepot): this value is taken from shipments.instructions.carrierOriginDepot (e.g. “999”)
  • part 3 (file extension) : incremental value taken from the reference generator (e.g. “00001”)

example filename: CUSCAR999.00001

Reference generator filename

The referce generator for the filename is automatically generated by the integration and will have the following naming convention: <carrierreference>_fortras_file_extension

Custom mappings

In the onboarding configuration custom mappings must be added for the following properties:

  • incoterms
  • package types
  • services
  • service options

Services Levels supported

standardStandard shipmentstandard
fixedDayBefore1000Fixed-Day-Delivery before 10:00fixedDayBefore1000
fixedDayBefore1200Fixed-Day-Delivery before 12:00fixedDayBefore1200
fixedDayBefore0800Fixed-Day-Delivery before 08:00fixedDayBefore0800
fixedDayBefore1600Fixed-Day-Delivery before 16:00fixedDayBefore1600
nextDayBefore0800Next-Day-Delivery before 08.00nextDayBefore0800
nextDayBefore1000Next-Day-Delivery before 10.00nextDayBefore1000
nextDayBefore1200Next-Day-Delivery before 12.00nextDayBefore1200
nextDayBetween16-18Next-Day-Delivery between 16.00 to 18.00nextDayBetween16-18
nextDayBetween18-20Next-Day-Delivery between 18.00 to 20.00nextDayBetween18-20
nextDayBetween20-22Next-Day-Delivery between 20.00 to 22.00nextDayBetween20-22
nextDayBetween22-00Next-Day-Delivery between 22.00 to 00.00nextDayBetween22-00

Services Options Supported

ServiceCodeDescriptionTrigger in shipment request
liftGateDelivery with == true
fragileSensitive goods. Treat carefully.shipment.serviceOptions.fragile == true
cashOnDeliveryCash on delivery - delivery against cash onlyshipment.serviceOptions.cashOnDelivery.type == cash
shipment.serviceOptions.cashOnDelivery.currencyCode == e.g. EUR
shipment.serviceOptions.cashOnDelivery.value > 0
chequeOnDeliveryCash on delivery - cheques are acceptedshipment.serviceOptions.cashOnDelivery.type == cheque
shipment.serviceOptions.cashOnDelivery.currencyCode == e.g. EUR
shipment.serviceOptions.cashOnDelivery.value > 0
appointmentForDeliveryDelivery appointment requiredshipment.serviceOptions.liftGate.appointmentForDelivery == `true
callBeforeDeliveryDriver call before deliveryshipment.serviceOptions.liftGate.preAdviceDelivery.usePhone == true
noSignaturePermission to deliver shipment without handover.shipment.serviceOptions.signatureForDelivery == noSignatureRequired
scannedPodRequestedReturn the acknowledged delivery receipt!shipment.serviceOptions.scannedPodRequested == true
dgExceptedQuantitiesDangerous goods in excepted quantitiesshipment.handlingUnits.goodsItems.dangerousGoods.type == exceptedQuantity
dgLithiumMetalBatteriesDangerous goods - Lithium Metal batteriesshipment.handlingUnits.goodsItems.dangerousGoods.type == lithiumBatteries
shipment.handlingUnits.goodsItems.dangerousGoods.unNumber == UN3481
dgLithiumIonBatteriesDangerous goods - Lithium Metal batteriesshipment.handlingUnits.goodsItems.dangerousGoods.type == lithiumBatteries
shipment.handlingUnits.goodsItems.dangerousGoods.unNumber == UN3091
saturdayDeliverySaturday == true
residentialDeliveryDelivery in a residential area (B2C)shipment.serviceOptions.residentialDelivery == true

Package types

There is an elaborate list of package types availabele for mapping. Please check with the carrier which package types they support and which package type codes they expect in the fortras file. With this information, setup the mapping between the packag types used when booking the shipment and the package types codes expected by the carrier.

Below an example of a package mapping:

Input carrier gateway package typeCarrier package type