DSV API Catalogue onboarding process

Dear customer,

Thank you for starting to integrate with the DSV API catalogue for submitting bookings, printing labels and to track the status of your shipments.

To start using the DSV API, you will need to obtain the following credentials from DSV:

  • DSV service authentication user name
  • DSV service authentication password
  • Subscription key for each integration with DSV (Booking, label, tracking)
  • Test MDM (account) number
  • Production MDM (account) number

Follow the below steps to receive credentials for your integration with the DSV API Catalogue.

Step 1: Sign up for a developer account

Go to https://developer.dsv/com/signup, fill in the account details and click on the ‘sign up’ button.


Step 2: Activate the developer account

Once you have have filled in the sign up form, you will receive an email from DSV, containing an activation link, to activate your account.

An example email is as follows:

Dear {customer name},
Thank you for joining the DSV Developer Portal.
To activate your account, please click on the following link:
{url to activate account}
if clicking the link does not work, please copy-and-paste or re-type it into your browser's address space and hit "Enter".
Best regards,
DSV Developer Support team

Please click on the activation link to activate your developer account.

Once the account is activated you are able to continue subscribing on the API product(s).

Step 3: Subscribe on the API product(s)

Once the activation of your developer account has been completed, you will receive another email from DSV, which includes an explanation on how to subscribe to the API product(s).

For each subscription you will receive a subscription key, that should be used in the configuration.

  1. Login via https://developer.dsv.com/signin with the created developer account.
  2. Click on API Catalogue in the top of the screen, the below screen will open APICatalogue
  3. Click on the Subscribe button for the following module(s):
    1. For configuring Ordering
      • Booking - Generic
      • Labels - Generic
    2. For configuring Tracking
      • Tracking - Generic

    Note: DSV offers multiple versions for some subscriptions. Make sure that you are using the same version as you have selected in the carrier integration configuration. (e.g. TRACKING - V1 or TRACKING V2)

  4. Populate the request
    1. Set the name for the API in
    2. Read and agree to the terms of use by clicking on the checkbox.
    3. Click on the Subscribe button PopulateApi

With an approved subscription you get a set of authentication details which is required to call each API.

Step 4: Find subscription key(s)

To find the subscription keys, for each of the API(s) that you have just subscribed to:

  1. Go to https://developer.dsv.com/
  2. Click on Sign in
  3. Go to your profile by clicking on Profile on the top right of the screen.
  4. The subscription key can be found for each subscription by clicking on the show button.
    1. Use the Primary key for production
    2. The Secondary key can be ignored.


For every subscription (Booking, Labels, Tracking), two seperate email are forwarded to the email used for registration.

An example of the first email is:

Dear {customer name},
The production Tracking API is now activated. (This is email 1 of 2)
Please follow the steps specified below to complete the production setup on your side:
1. Review the go-live process described in the 'Getting started'
2. Direct your API requests to the Production URL: https://api.dsv.com/..
3. Change the HHTTP header DSV-Subscription-Key to the new production API keys whcih can be found on the Profile page. Note: Please use the user email and password requested at 'go-live'.
4. Change additional production settings with values displayed in the Profile page:
- DSV-Service-Auth
5. You will be contacted by your DSV customer service to agree on a 'go-live' date
6. Start using the API
7. Check your shipments on https://mydsv.com
If you have any issues, please contact our Support.
Best regards,
DSV Developer Support team

An example of the second email is:

Dear {customer name},
You receive this email, as you subscribed to one of DSV's Generic API's.
Please use the following information, as the Authorization key:
- Username: {DSV service authentication user name}
- Password: please click here to set your password
Generic Booking API
When using the Generic booking API, the foowing number should be mentioned in the MDM field for the address parties Booking Party and Freight Payer with all other addresses fields left out (example: "parties":{"freightPayer":{"addresses":{"mdm": "123456789"}}, "bookingParty":{"addresses":{"mdm": "123456789"}},...},....)
- Test environment MDM: 123456789
- Production environment MDM: will be provided with the approval of the go-live request
Booking submitted via the Generic Booking API can be viewed on DSV's online portal demo.mydsv.com with login credentials provided in this email.
Best regards,
DSV Developer Support team

Step 5: Activating for production

After testing the setup, DSV will have to configure the account and provide the related MDM(acount) number for production.

Send an email to the DSV developer support team (developer.support@dsv.com) and specify which API(s) you would like to activate for production (Booking, label, tracking).

DSV will respond by sending an email where you have to provide your contact details. Fill in the contact details accordingly. NOTE: The mobile phone number in the developer details will be used by DSV to provide the password via SMS. Make sure that you fill in a phone number to which you have access to so that you can receive the password safely.

Once DSV has received all the contact details, they will confirm a go-live date and provide you with the production MDM number.

Use of credentials

During the onboarding process, credentials were received in several steps of the process. Below is listed when and where each credential is received in the process.

  • DSV service authentication user name = Created during sign up for DSV developer account
  • DSV service authentication password = Received via SMS after providing developer contact details to DSV via email (Note: this is a different password from logging in into the DSV developer portal)
  • Production subscription key for each integration with DSV = Found in the profile section of the DSV developer portal. Named as primary key.
  • Test MDM (account) number = received via email after subscriping to an API
  • Production MDM (account) number = received via email after confirmation and approval of registration by DSV